Getting Here



The Grand Theatre is located in the heart of Downtown London ON at 471 Richmond Street. It is easily reached by car, transit, and foot with a number of options for parking and pre- and post-show dining.

By Car


By Transit

The Grand is located directly North of the Dundas and Richmond intersection, accessible by most major bus routes in the city. Visit London Transit for more details.

For Via Rail riders, walk West on York to Richmond, then head North to the Grand (under 10 minutes).

Parking in the Neighbourhood

The Grand's preferred parking partner is the Old Oak Parkade, conveniently located within 1 block from the theatre on 150 Dufferin Avenue (across the street from the large mural on the Grand Theatre's north side). Click here to access location on Google Maps (Please note that Google Maps may show the parkade location as 148 Dufferin Ave. Both addresses will take you to the right place!). Parking in this lot is $12 weeknights to a maximum of $15 daily. Be sure to bring your ticket with you as it is needed in order to return to your vehicle after the performance.

Alternative options include:

  • Downtown Street Parking is metered, or available for free after 6PM;
  • The Summit Parkade at 127 Dufferin Avenue (fees apply);
  • The Sifton Lot directly to the north of the theatre (note that the theatre must be accessed via the front doors only; fees apply);
  • Covent Garden Market (fees apply);
  • 200 Albert Street - surface lot (fees apply);
  • Canada Life - surface lot (after 6pm only; fees apply)
  • 74 Fullarton (fees apply)

Please note that for safety reasons, the emergency exit leading to the Sifton parking lot will not be used as a standard exit from the theatre, unless required in an emergency scenario. Please use the main entrance to exit the building after the show.