Ways to Give

We simply can't do it without YOU

Your gift makes a difference. Arts and culture invigorate and ignite a community in a way that is profound and uplifting and the Grand Theatre is proud to lead the way. By supporting the Grand you acknowledge, further and champion arts in Southwestern Ontario.

The Grand produces world class theatre each year. That work employs hundreds of people, brings renowned artists to the region, contributes to local tourism and creates change through community and conversation. Your donation enables the Grand to achieve these goals as well as other initiatives such as Student Club, Student Matinees, Relaxed Performances, The High School Project, Tea Talks and Holiday Wish for Kids.

Be assured, as a nonprofit organization, every dollar donated to the theatre has significant impact!

All donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt and include benefits through our Donor Benefits Program. To answer any questions or provide assistance, please contact Farrell Tremblay, Individual Giving Coordinator at ftremblay [at] grandtheatre.com (ftremblay[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or 519-672-9030 x246.

One-Time Donations

Online: Donate Now using your credit card

Phone: Make a donation over the phone using your credit card by calling Farrell Tremblay in our Development Office, at 519-672-9030 x246

Mail: A cheque made out to Grand Theatre can be mailed to the address below:

ATTN: Development Department
Grand Theatre
471 Richmond St.
London ON, N6A 3E4

In Person: Visit one of our Box Office Representatives during Box Office hours to make a donation using cash, debit, credit or cheque.

Monthly Donations

Donating monthly or on a fixed schedule is an easy way to spread your donation over whatever time period you choose. Please contact Farrell Tremblay in our Development office via email ftremblay [at] grandtheatre.com (ftremblay[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or by phone 519-672-9030 x246 to set up a monthly pledge using your credit card.

Monthly donations are processed on or around the end of each month but this date can be adjusted to your needs.

Donors choosing to make monthly gifts will receive a tax receipt no later than January 15 of the following calendar year.

Gifts of Securities

Donations of securities (shares) is an effective way to make a donation to the Grand Theatre. Securities include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, segregated funds, flow-through shares and employee stock options. When you give a gift of publicly traded securities, you are exempt from paying tax on the realized capital gain and receive a charitable receipt for the full amount of your donation.

Gifts of securities can be made now or may also be set up as a pledge or gift in your will.

Here is a step by step process on how to make a gift of securities:

  1. Contact the Development Department at the Grand Theatre and advise us that you would like to make a gift of securities and complete this form.
  2. If you work with an investment advisor, inform them of your plans to make a gift of securities. They can assist you in filling out this form.
  3. If you self-manage your investments, we can assist you to complete this form and guide you through the transfer process if necessary.
  4. Your advisor or investment firm will contact our brokerage firm representative to complete the transfer
  5. A charitable donation receipt will be issued to you for the closing price of the securities on the day that they are received by the Grand Theatre’s brokerage firm.
  6. When preparing your tax returns for the current year, complete the Capital Gains on Gifts of Certain Capital Property Form from Canada Revenue Agency.

Speak with your financial advisor to determine what makes financial sense for you. Your adviser can help you make a gift of securities by completing the Charitable Donations of Securities Form.

Please email or phone Farrell Tremblay (ftremblay [at] grandtheatre.com (ftremblay[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or 519-672-9030 x246) in our Development office to advise us of your forthcoming donation.

A Gift in Your Will

Leaving a Gift in your Will

Leaving a gift to the Grand Theatre as a bequest in your Will, demonstrates your wish to ensure that future generations will benefit from having a strong, vibrant and viable theatre and arts community in our city.  A gift in your Will (Planned Gift) is the ultimate expression of caring for an organization.

There are many ways for you to make a gift in this way:

Gift Options

  • Bequests (donation through your will)
  • Listed Securities
  • Life Insurance
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Registered Retirement Funds

What You Need to Know

Legal name: Grand Theatre
Charitable registration number: 119214278 RR0001

Click Here for Sample Bequest Language

If you already have a Will, you do not need not rewrite the entire document to include a bequest to the Grand Theatre. Instead, a simple clause known as a codicil can be used to amend your Will. Of course, we strongly recommend that you consult with your lawyer or estate planner to make any changes or amendments to your Will.

We would be delighted to speak with you about including the Grand Theatre in your Will. There is no obligation and your discussion will remain private and confidential. Please contact Heather Siskind-Levite, Director of Development, at hsiskind-levite [at] grandtheatre.com (hsiskind-levite[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or 519-672-9030 x 251 to set up a time to discuss your wishes.

If you have included the Grand Theatre in your Will, please let us know so that we may properly thank you and invite you as a member of our Proscenium Society, joining others who have made the choice to remember the Grand in their Will.

Read more about the Proscenium Society and its members here.

Corporate Giving

Make connections, add value for clients and employees and champion the value of a thriving arts community, through Corporate Giving.

To answer any questions or assist with your corporate involvement, please contact Monica Coddington, Director of Business Development at mcoddington [at] grandtheatre.com (mcoddington[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or 519-672-9030 x252.

Donor Member Benefits

Making a donation to the support the work of the Grand comes with a range of Benefits that vary depending on your giving level. From backstage tours and guest artist talks to hands on experiences with our artistic teams and invitations to special events, Grand Theatre donors enjoy a deeper sense of participation and satisfaction knowing they have helped us achieve our collective vision for the future of the Grand.

Friend  $25 - $99
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Bronze Supporter  $100 - $499
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Silver Supporter  $500 - $999
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Gold Supporter  $1,000 - $2,499
  • Two Complimentary Drink Tickets
  • “How the Magic Happens” Event Invitation
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Champion's Circle  $2,500 - $4,999
  • Exclusive Grand Theatre Swag
  • An 11 x 17 Show Poster (one per season by request)
  • “Holiday Show Sneak Peek” Event Invitation
  • Early Access to Next Season’s Secrets
  • Two Complimentary Drink Tickets
  • “How the Magic Happens” Event Invitation
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Ambassador's Circle  $5,000 - $9,999
  • Two Complimentary Opening Night Subscriptions and Two Drink Tickets
  • Invitation to Opening Night V.I.P. Pre-Show Reception
  • Exclusive Grand Theatre Swag
  • An 11 x 17 Show Poster (one per season by request)
  • “Holiday Show Sneak Peek” Event Invitation
  • Early Access to Next Season’s Secrets
  • “How the Magic Happens” Event Invitation
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Patron's Circle  $10,000 - $19,999
  • Free Access to Reception Space (once per season)
  • Invitation to Early Rehearsal
  • Access to Concierge Ticket Service
  • Two Complimentary Opening Night Subscriptions and Two Drink Tickets
  • Invitation to Opening Night V.I.P. Pre-Show Reception
  • Exclusive Grand Theatre Swag
  • An 11 x 17 Show Poster (one per season by request)
  • “Holiday Show Sneak Peek” Event Invitation
  • Early Access to Next Season’s Secrets
  • Two Complimentary Drink Tickets
  • “How the Magic Happens” Event Invitation
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report
Director's Circle  $20,000+
  • Curated Events with Executive and Artistic Directors
  • Free Access to Reception Space (once per season)
  • Invitation to Early Rehearsal
  • Access to Concierge Ticket Service
  • Two Complimentary Opening Night Subscriptions and Two Drink Tickets
  • Invitation to Opening Night V.I.P. Pre-Show Reception
  • Exclusive Grand Theatre Swag
  • An 11 x 17 Show Poster (one per season by request)
  • “Holiday Show Sneak Peek” Event Invitation
  • Early Access to Next Season’s Secrets
  • Two Complimentary Drink Tickets
  • “How the Magic Happens” Event Invitation
  • Single Tickets at 15% Discount
  • Recognition in all House Programs
  • Unlimited Ticket Exchanges
  • Tax Receipt
  • Invitation to and Voting Rights at AGM
  • Recognition in Annual Report

Have an idea for how we can make your gift more meaningful? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please email or call the Development Team with your ideas!

Farrell Tremblay (ftremblay [at] grandtheatre.com (ftremblay[at]grandtheatre[dot]com) or 519-672-9030 x246)